Monday, September 30, 2019

Psychology of Personality Essay

The method by which a person can seek to be successful in the varied areas of their life, can be pin pointed to how well a person is aware of them self. To be more specific, the person needs to have an understanding of self-awareness and the connection it has to success. â€Å"Self-awareness is fundamental to self-leadership. Leaders who have mastered self-awareness are realistic and accurate when they assess their personal strengths and weaknesses.† (Watson, 2004). Thereby self-awareness comes from knowing what are the personal strengths and weaknesses we have as it relates to the areas of our lives such as with family, work and school. Based on my desire to better myself in the different areas of my life, I seek to identify the abilities and skills I hold strongest, discover the areas I am weakest in and define how I can go about in making improvements based on my findings. During my readings at the University of Phoenix, I arrived at discovering learning styles and how understanding your own style can be the key to grasping control of a successful education. The process of which touched on the subject of self-awareness and how assessment tests could help you to reach the level of understanding needed. In chapter 2 of â€Å"Keys to College Studying: Becoming a Lifelong Leaner† (Bishop & Carter & Kravits, 2002), it was stated that, â€Å"Many different kinds of assessments give people a method of self-discovery, providing different means of exploring strengths and weaknesses, abilities and limitations.† (p29). After completing a couple of assessments as covered in the chapter, I found myself to have a logical and adventurer personality style with strengths in being skillful in a variety of fields that make use of my abilities to organize materials logically, explain things in sequential order, analyzing information, and hands-on problem sol ving to name a few. These strengths are not only evident in my line of work as a welder, but in the way I live my personal life and the way I interact in with my learning team members. Along the lines of an old commonly known clich & eacute;, for every positive there is a negative, I learned that just as I have good personal strengths, there are as well weaknesses to bare. â€Å"Human strengths are as real as human weakness, so say history and science.† (Lopez, 2003, p. 5). Among my weak points are the lack of being musically talented, sociable, and even though  being skillful in various fields can be a strength, there is a high sense of pride from doing good quality work, that if not controlled could feed an ego rush that may rub off the wrong way for some people. In addition, while there are strengths to being an adventurer personality type with a desire to be involved in an action-packed environment that is on the constant go with a taste for the variety of things that can be done. The down side comes from the intense want for a personal life, work and school environment that can fulfill that diversified need. Overall weaknesses can be problematic and t he thought of there being kinks in somebody’s armor, can bring a persons moral down. However, it needs to be understood that it is human to have weaknesses and that weaknesses can be strengthen. Among the various study materials I’ve read, in addition to discovering both personal strengths and weaknesses, there was as well supporting information on how a person can go about improving their weaker personality styles. The website for Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (2006) defines the word improve as, â€Å"2a: to enhance in value and quality: make better.† (Definition 2a). That enhancing of value and quality is precisely what I seek to accomplish in my areas of home, work and school which I plan to make better so as to improve my overall life. Over and again, in my readings, it was commented that a person should make use of their personal strengths in order to support and improve on the weaknesses. As thus, by taking what I have come to learn about my personality style and in seeking courses, training, self-help books and kits tailored to my learning style on subjects that cover those areas I am weak in, will it be possible for me to improve. Of course, only through practice on top of more practice shall I be able to truly make improvements to my weaker areas and in time when I reassess my personal strengths and weaknesses will I be able to tell where I stand. Anyone with a good understanding of his or her self-awareness, thus knowing what his or her own personality style is, can very well hold the key to having a successful life. So in knowing what your personal strengths and weaknesses are, will you be able to know what type of classes will suite you best in school, what type of job would you be best fitted for at work and understand what reasoning there is behind the way you live your personal  life. In discovering my personality style was I able to grasp an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses I hold, which has allowed me to go forth in using my strong points to over come my drawbacks. In time with practice shall I be able to strengthen my weak points and perhaps one day reach, a level of equal enlightenment between the various personality styles. References: Bishop, J. & Carter, C. & Kravits, S. (2002). Learning Styles and Self-Awareness. Keys to College Studying: Becoming a Lifelong Learner. Prentice-Hall, Inc. 2002, pg. 29. Lopez, Shane J. & Snyder, C. R. & Rasmussen, Heather N. (2003). Striking a vital balance: Developing a complementary focus on human weakness and strength through positive psychological assessment. Positive Psychological Assessment: A handbook of models and measures. 2003, pp. 3-20Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (2006). Improve. Retrieved March 6, 2006, from, Liana (2004). Self-leadership: Becoming an Exceptional Leader. Radiologi Technology. Iss. July-August 2004, p457.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Awareness and Adoption of E Banking in Pakistan

Abstract: This study aims to understand customers’ perception towards adoption and awareness of electronic banking in Pakistan. The outcomes would help the policy makers to develop effective strategies for future outlook of electronic banking in a country. The results suggest that banks’ customers in Pakistan perceive electronic banking as a tool for minimizing inconvenience, minimizing risk of carrying cash and time saving. Customers further believe that electronic banking increases chances of government access to public data, increases chances of fraud and data losses. It reduces cost and save our precious time. There are also some limitations of e-banking as it requires skills to operate it and passwords can be hacked. This research paper discussed that people of Pakistan are well aware of electronic banking but they are not satisfied with the services provided by the bank and they also feel risk in that service that’s why they trust more on employees. It contains different demographics and their association with research questions. The results conclude that various customers segments do not differ in opinions towards benefits and risks associated with e-banking. This paper also includes recommendations in which it describes that what strategies the banks should choose to increase the satisfaction of customers Keywords: electronic banking; e-banking; customers’ perception; adoption; Pakistan, e-banking in Pakistan, e-banking, SMS banking, ATM I. INTRODUCTION The developments taking place in information and communication technology are increasing competition in financial institutions worldwide. Development of electronic distribution channels in financial industry has completely transformed the traditional bank–customer relationship in recent years. It has reduced personal contacts between the service providers and the customers (Barnes and Howlett, 1998). The scenario is further changed with increased competition among banks and non-bank financial institutions (Zineldin, 1996). Thus an enhanced understanding of why some people adopt one distributional channel and others do not, alongside an identification of the factors that may influence this decision is vital to investigate (Patricio, 2003). Thus, the deployment of advanced technologies is essential to achieve a competitive edge. In the world of banking, the development of information technology has an enormous effect on development of more flexible payments methods and more-user friendly banking services. Recently, the banking industry was highly affected by the technology evolution that transformed the way banks deliver their services, using technologies such as automated teller machines, phones, the Internet, credit cards, and electronic cash. In line with global trends, electronic banking in Pakistan has been undergoing many changes. Electronic banking is a term for the process by which a customer may perform banking transactions electronically without visiting a brick-and-mortar institution. Electronic banking refers to systems that enable bank customers to access accounts and general information on bank products and services through a personal computer (PC) or other intelligent device. There are many benefits of e-banking as it provides easy way to monitor an account, we can shop, pay bills, buy items at auction, and transfer money from anywhere at any time, it reduces costs, it saves time, and vice versa. Objectives This study focuses on awareness and adoption of electronic banking in Pakistan. Our objectives of this research were to: 1. Check awareness of electronic banking in Pakistan. 2. Check why people are not aware of electronic banking. 3. Know if the people are aware of electronic banking then to how much extent. 4. Check whether banks of Pakistan are providing electronic banking or not. 5. To find the critical attributes that customers expect important while using electronic banking. 6. To find the key variables that affect customers’ evaluations towards risk associated with electronic banking. 7. To understand the relationship between demographic characteristics of customers and their perceptions towards electronic banking. 8. To present results and implications which are insightful to researchers and banks interested in electronic banking. This research is important because it tells bankers that how much people in Pakistan are aware of and adopt the electronic banking and to how much extend. It also tells them to improve their e-banking services in Pakistan. Electronic banking in Pakistan State-owned banks dominated the Pakistani financial market before 1990. The government introduced economic liberalization policies in 1991 when two smaller banks, Muslim Commercial Bank and Allied Bank were privatized. Since then, the government continuously advocated the privatization of existing state-owned enterprises and encouraged the private and foreign banks to setup their businesses in the country. Recent acquisition of locally owned Union Bank by Standard Chartered Bank indicates foreign interest in domestic financial market. According to State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) annual report (2005), there were 35 commercial banks, including 16 private banks (with 797 branches), 11 foreign banks (with 82 branches), 4 privatized banks (with 4,141 branches) and 4 public banks (with 1,543 branches), respectively. Electronic banking is an innovation in the series of technological wonders. Automated teller machine (ATM), telephone banking, internet banking, credit cards and debit cards, etc. have emerged as effective delivery channels for traditional banking products. In Pakistan, foreign banks took a lead by introducing ATM and credit cards in mid-1990s followed by domestic banks in late 1990s. Annual Report of SBP (2003, p. 110) explained this delay in electronic banking largely by regulatory hurdles, higher startup costs, an ongoing banking sectors reforms and lack of technical skills. The government also introduced Electronic Transaction Ordinance in 2002. This ordinance provides legal recognition to digital signatures and documentation. Thus reducing the risks associated with the use of electronic medium of business. At present, almost all commercial banks in Pakistan have setup their ATM networks, issuing debit and credit cards and have joined one of the two operating ATM Switch Networks. According to Kolachi (2006) Pakistani banks provide the following online banking services and products. 1. Enquiry, account statement enquiry, account balance enquiry, check statement enquiry, fixed deposit enquiry 2. Payment, funds transfer, credit card payments, direct payments, utility bills payments 3. Request, checkbook request, stop payment request, demand draft request, new fixed deposit request 4. Download, customer profile, statement download, other information and guidelines downloads. 4 Literature review Consumers’ perceptions towards adoption of electronic banking have attracted many researchers in recent years. Thornton and White (2001) who compared seven distribution electronic channels available for banks in US concluded that customers’ orientation such as convenience, service, technology change, knowledge about computing and availability of internet affected the usage of different channels. According to Hagel and Hewlin (1997) the Internet banking became very attractive to customers and lots of banks because the technology is being accepted by them and they can now understand and have information about the complex products. Nowadays banks are also facing a lot of competition and need a high market share and provide better services to its customers so that they can attract the new customers and old customers do not try to leave them. Howcroft et al. 2002) found that the most important factors that have encouraged consumers to use online banking are lower fees followed by reducing paper work and human error which subsequently minimize the human disputes (Kiang et al. , 2000). Byers and Lederer, (2001 ) concluded that it was changing consumer attitudes rather than bank cost structures that determines the changes in distribution channels; they added that virtual banks can only be profitable when the segment that prefers electronic media is approximately twice the size of th e segment preferring street banks. Decrease in percentage of customers visiting banks with an increase in alternative channels of distribution will also minimize the queues in branches (Thornton and White, 2001). Internet banking increases power of the customers to make price comparison across suppliers quickly and easily, which subsequently pushes the price and margins downwards (Devlin, 1995). Although, electronic banking provides many opportunities for the banks, it is also the case that the current banking services provided through Internet are limited due to security concerns, complexity and technological problems (Sathye, 1999: Mols, 1999). Risks associated to electronic banking Although internet provides many opportunities for banks but it is the case that current banking services through internet are limited due to security concerns, complexity and technological problems (Mols, 1999; Sathye, 1999). Hewer and Howcroft (1999) referred the term trust to measure a risk. While, Suganthi et al. (2001) viewed risk in context of security concerns and risk in context of trust in one’s bank. Finally, a number of studies also found trust and perceived risks have a significant positive influence on ommitment (Bhattacherjee, 2002; Mukherjee and Nath, 2003) and ultimately leads towards overall satisfaction (Rexha et al. , 2003). Reputation of a service provider is another important factor affecting trust. Doney and Cannon (1997) defined reputation as the extent to which customers believe a supplier or service provider is honest and concern about its customers. Tyler and Stanley (1999) argued that banks can build close and lo ng-lasting relationship with customers only if trust, commitment, honesty and cooperation are developed between them. Nancy et al. 2001) study found that customers’ complaint about computer logon time which are usually longer than making a telephone call. Further, the respondents felt that they have to check and recheck the forms filled online, as they are worried about making mistakes. Frequent slow response time and delay of service delivery causes customers to be unsure about the completion of a transaction (Jun and Cai, 2001). Min and Galle (1999) found crashes in operating systems and disruption of information access as common factors related to unwillingness to use internet channels for commerce. Liao and Cheung (2002) found that individual expectations regarding accuracy, security, transaction speed, user friendliness, user involvement and convenience are the most important attributes in the perceived usefulness of internet-based e-retail banking. Confidentiality of consumer data is another important concern in adoption of online banking (Gerrad and Cunningham, 2003). Customers fear about someone’s unlimited access to personal financial information. White and Nteli (2004) focused on why the internet usage has not been increased in UK as compared to internet usage for banking purposes? Results found that the customers still have concerns about the security and safety aspects of the internet. Lack of internet accessibility and a provision of documentary evidence for all transactions are found important hurdles in the development of electronic banking in Thailand (Jaruwachirathanakul and Fink, 2005). Laforet and Li (2005) found that habit of carrying cash, less accessibility of internet and documentary proof of financial transaction as important hurdles in adoption, in case of China. Lack of specific laws to govern internet banking is another important concern for users. It covers issues such as unfair and deceptive trade practice by supplier, unauthorized access by hackers. Larpsiri et al. (2002) argued that it is not clear whether electronic documents and records are acceptable as sufficient evidence of transactions. Another issue is the jurisdiction of the courts and dispute resolution procedures in case of using internet for commercial purpose. Dispute can arise from many issues. For instance, websites is not branch of the bank. It is difficult for the court to define location of branch and decide whether they have jurisdiction (Rotchanakitumnuai and Speece, 2003). Other risks associated to electronic banking are job losses, lack of opportunities to socialize and development of lazy society were mentioned by (Black et al. , 2001). Demographic factors Gender alone is not a significant factor, affecting adoption of technology in general (Gefen and Straub, 1997). However, Kolodinsk et al. (2004) found that married couples are more likely to adopt the new technology than either single males or females. Research has also linked age and adoption of technology, as young people are more likely to adopt technology (Lee et al. , 2002). Maturity in population in terms of knowledge, confidence and comfort in computer usage also increase influence towards online banking (Karjaluoto et al. , 2002). Increase in income and education have found positive effects on adoption (Lockett and Littler, 1997; Sarel and Marmorstein, 2003). Mattilia et al. (2003) indicated that young, educated and wealthy consumers are most likely to adopt internet banking in Finland. Mature customers prefer personal service and a printed receipt of their transactions. Mature customers also perceive internet banking to be more costly than paying bills over the counter. Methodology The study was conducted in Lahore city which is the second largest city of Pakistan and represents almost 20% of all branches network. Branches for survey were selected on convenience basis but after the permission of respective branch managers. Survey covered both residential and commercial areas. In this research data is conducted by using questionnaire as a data collection instrument, in which questions were asked starting from their command on computer and internet usage, following with the awareness of electronic banking and its types, about the benefits of e-banking and then some questions regarding their bank services and the security provide by these banks. The questionnaire includes close-ended questions and they were on liker scale of utilizing a five point categorical. IV. EMPIRICAL RESULTS There is â€Å"table † which shows gender wise association with research questions No. Question| Gender| | Total| P – values| | | | Male| Female| | | | | | | | | | | 1| Aware of electronic banking| 196| 200| 396| 0. 011| | 2| Your bank provides electronic banking facility| 190| 195| 385| 0. 000| | | | | | | | | 3| Aware of SMS banking| 196| 195| 391| 0. 036| | | | | | | | | 4| Aware of INTERNET banking| 189| 198| 387| 0. 010| | | | | | | | | 5| Aware of ATM card usag e| 193| 198| 391| 0. 054| | | | | | | | | 6| Aware of PHONE banking| 193| 199| 392| 0. 272| | | | | | | | | 7| Satisfied with the E-banking services provided by| | | | | | | bank| 192| 198| 390| 0. 08| | | | | | | | | 8| Satisfied with the security of E-banking provide by| | | | | | | bank| 191| 195| 386| 0. 068| | | | | | | | | 9| Want to use e-banking facilities in future| 194| 197| 391| 0. 000| | | | | | | | | Table shows the different questions and their association with gender. First question is about awareness of electronic banking. Total respondents who answered this question were 396 in which 196 were male respondents and 200 were female respondents. Its result shows that awareness of electronic banking is dependent on gender. Next question was answered by 385 total respondents from which the amount of male and female were 190 and 195 respectively. Its results show that providing e-banking services by banks were highly dependent on gender. Third one is about awareness of SMS banking which was answered by 196 male and 195 female respondents. Its result shows that awareness of SMS banking is also dependent on gender. Now the next question is about Internet banking awareness which was answered by 189 male respondents and 198 female respondents and its result shows that awareness of internet banking is dependent on gender. Next question is about awareness of ATM card usage. Total 391 respondents answered that question from which the amount of male and female were 193 and 198 respectively. It results shows that awareness of ATM card usage is not dependent on gender. Now there is a question about Phone banking awareness so total 392 respondents answered that question from which 193 were male and 199 were female and its result shows that phone banking awareness is not dependent on gender. Now the seventh question was asked by respondents about their satisfaction about e-banking services providing by their banks and total 390 answered that question and its result shows that satisfaction about e-banking services providing by banks is depends on gender. Now there is second last question which was answered by 191 male and 195 female respondents and its result shows that satisfaction about security of e- banking providing by banks is not depends on gender. Last question is about the using e-banking service in future and its results are highly dependent on gender. | | Aware of electronic banking| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | strongly| | | | | | | | | disagree| disagree| neutral| agree| strongly agree| Total| | Gender| Male| 13| 28| 46| 64| 45| 196| | | | | | | | | | | | Female| 31| 32| 53| 57| 27| 200| | Total| | 44| 60| 99| 121| 72| 396| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Now there is a table which shows the description of the question, â€Å"Aware of electronic banking †. It shows the amount of respondents from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The highest figures of people are agreed about awareness of e-banking. In male respondents 64 were agree which is 33% of total male respondents. Likewise, in female respondents 57 were agreeing about it which is 29% of total females. | | | High| | | Post| | | | No. | Question| Primary| School| Secondary| Graduate| Graduate| Frequency| P-values| | 1| Aware of electronic banking| 8| 7| 10| 195| 164| 384| 0. 000| | | | | | | | | | | | 2| Use debit or credit cards for| | | | | | | | | | online transactions| 8| 6| 8| 191| 163| 376| 0. 008| | | | | | | | | | | | 3| Aware of ATM card usage| 8| 7| 10| 193| 163| 381| 0. 030| | | | | | | | | | | | | Aware of PHONE banking| 8| 7| 10| 194| 161| 380| 0. 155| | | | | | | | | | | | 5| Feel risk about hacking of| | | | | | | | | | passwords| 8| 7| 10| 192| 161| 378| 0. 555| | | | | | | | | | | | 6| Satisfied with the E-banking| | | | | | | | | | services provide by bank| 8| 7| 9| 191| 163| 378| 0. 269| | | | | | | | | | | | | More trust on the bank| | | | | | | | | 7| employees with communication| | | | | | | | | | tha n E-banking| 8| 7| 10| 191| 163| 379| 0. 680| | 8| Want to use e-banking facilities| | | | | | | | | | in future| 8| 7| 9| 192| 163| 379| 0. 69| | | | | | | | | | | | In this table there is a demographic of education whose relationship with research questions is given in above table. No. | | | | | | | | | Age| | | | | | | | Question| | | Below| 20 -| 30 -| 40 -| 50 -| Above| Frequency| P-values| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 19| 29| 39| | 49| 59| 60| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1| Have full command on computer| | 91| 241| 30| | 16| 10| 3| 391| 0. 034| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2| Involved in banking transactions| | 91| 239| 30| | 14| 14| 3| 391| 0| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Awareness of usefulness of| | | | | | | | | | | | | electronic banking| | | | 91| 238| 30| | 16| 14| 3| 392| 0. 004| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 4| Your Banks provides online technical| | | | | | | | | | | | assistance or 24 helpline| | 88| 240| 30| | 16| 14| 3| 391| 0. 002| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 5| Use debit or credit cards for online| | | | | | | | | | | | transactions| | | | 90| 237| 30| | 16| 14| 3| 390| 0| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 6| Aware of INTERNET banking| | 91| 238| 29| | 14| 14| 3| 389| 0. 443| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Aware of PHONE banking| | 91| 240| 30| | 16| 14| 3| 394| 0. 105| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 8| It provides| easy| way| to monitor| a| | | | | | | | | | | | account| | | | | 91| 242| 30| | 16| 14| 3| 396| 0. 019| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 9| Feel risk about hacking of passwords| 91| 239| 30| | 16| 13| 3| 392| 0. 089| | | | | | | | | | | | | | 10| Have easy access to ATM machine| | 88| 240| 30| | 16| 13| 3| 390| 0| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 11| Satisfied| with| the| E-banking| | | | | | | | | | | | services provide by bank| | 90| 240| 30| | 16| 13| 3| 392| 0. 47| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 12| Satisfied| with| the| security| of| | | | | | | | | | | | E-banking provide by bank| | 89| 239| 28| | 16| 13| 3| 388 | 0. 004| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 13| More trust on the bank employees| | | | | | | | | | | | with communication than E-banking| 90| 241| 30| | 16| 13| 3| 393| 0. 036| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Above table shows the relationship of research questions with age. In first question it is asked about command on computer. This question was answered by total 391 respondents from which from which 91 respondents had age less than 19.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Microeconomics and property market Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Microeconomics and property market - Term Paper Example In ancient days however, when trade and commerce were still at their primitive stage, market competition was nearly absent and people distinguished the quality of goods according to the craftsmanship of the artisans. Property in those days mainly indicated physical commodities or tangible assets. But with the progress of civilization and the storm of globalisation sweeping over almost every nook and corner of the world, many transformations started taking place simultaneously. These transformations resulted to a renaissance of the social relations and some stringency in the rights of the people, including that of their ownership rights. So, property got a new definition as well. With greater and greater competition seeping into the eventually liberating market structure, people started ruminating way-outs to protect their respective domains in order to stick back in the market competition. That was when the concept of intangible assets got introduced. Intangible assets imply those th at do not have a physical existence but which can be legally owned by an entity. Hence today, the term ‘property’ actually implies tangible as well as intangible assets. The present paper deals with the short-run equilibrium or the market clearing conditions in the property market today. In economic terms, short-run is the span when one or more factors are fixed, so that people have to operate in a more constrained framework. The present study aims to clarify how equilibrium is attained in the short run in the property market and how even a slight external disturbance is capable of shaking its very roots. Broadly speaking, property comprises of two kinds of assets – tangible and intangible. However, a further dissection reveals that there are four main categories of the same, namely - stock of houses (for business or residential purpose), financial assets, developmental assets and

Friday, September 27, 2019

Mathematical Analysis of Stress on Different Types of Teeth Research Paper

Mathematical Analysis of Stress on Different Types of Teeth - Research Paper Example I gained leadership, self-initiative and cooperative skills mainly from my work, volunteer experiences and several group projects I have implemented in different courses. Many people think that leaders are the ones who lead the rest of the group but my definition of leadership is slightly different from the conventional view. Donald McGannon, a prominent broadcast industry executive, states that â€Å"leadership is action, not position.†   I believe that true leadership comes from engaging every group member in decision making process and receiving the best outcome through communication and cooperation with others.  I gained leadership, self-initiative and cooperative skills mainly from my work, volunteer experiences and several group projects I have implemented in different courses. Many people think that leaders are the ones who lead the rest of the group but my definition of leadership is slightly different from the conventional view. Donald McGannon, a prominent broadc ast industry executive, states that â€Å"leadership is action, not position.†   I believe that true leadership comes from engaging every group member in decision making process and receiving the best outcome through communication and cooperation with others.  2. It is undoubtedly to say that we have made great advances in dental procedures and technology through the research during last fifty years. However, the public’s attitude toward dentistry has not been changed with those advances.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

A bona fide occupational qualification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A bona fide occupational qualification - Essay Example Accounting office seeks attractive female for receptionist position. While most clients might like an attractive female to be the receptionist, it is not a bona fide occupational qualification. Being female and attractive does not directly pertain to the position. Flight attendants wanted. Must meet height and weight requirements. This is also not a bona fide occupational qualification. If the ad would have said something like ‘must be able to remain on feet for 8 hours’ that would have been a BFOQ qualification. Height and weight should not matter for most applicants. Theater audition: Young, black male actor to portray Malcolm X in play. This is a BFOQ because it calls for a representation of a black male. Catholic school seeks 10th-grade science teacher. Must be Catholic. This is a BFOQ because religious schools are allowed to express their religion through their teachers. Designer taking applications for runway models. Must be at least 6 feet tall and weigh less than 125 pounds. This is a BFOQ because a designer can be looking for a certain type of model to wear their clothes. Assembly line worker wanted. Must have high school diploma. This is a BFOQ because most jobs require a high school diploma for maturity, safety, and knowledge in order to complete the job. Chinese restaurant seeks waitperson. Must be native speaker of Mandarin Chinese.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Technical report on hydrogen experiment Assignment Essay

Technical report on hydrogen experiment Assignment - Essay Example figures Figure 1 preparation of the electrolyzer module 6 Figure 2 Filling the syringe with distilled water 7 Figure 3 Placing inner containers 7 Figure 4 Connecting tubes 8 Figure 5 Using fuel cells and solar panel 8 Figure 6 Inserting batteries 10 Figure 7 Assembling electrical fans 10 Figure 8 Connecting the motor to reversible fuel cell 11 Figure 9 Using solar panel 11 Introduction Hydrogen derived from renewable sources such as wind and solar is clean, self-sufficient and a permanent energy solution for sustainable development. A kilogram of hydrogen is roughly equivalent to a gallon of gasoline in energy content. (Johanna L, 2007) This makes hydrogen a technology of the future in reducing reliance on imported fuel and greenhouse gas emissions. Hydrogen could be produced from fossil fuels using steam reforming, which emits CO2 and expensive ways such as catalytic cracking without CO2 emissions. This pathway is more cost-effective. Water electrolysis is an efficient and expensive way because of its high electricity requirement. For instance, a study (Khan M.J., Iqbal M.T., 2005) stated that assuming an electricity cost of $0.05/kwh, nearly nowadays price of wind produced electricity; hydrogen made from water electrolysis costs more than $2.84/kg based on higher heating value. Hydrogen produced from photovoltaic is also expensive because of high PV electricity cost.( Sherif S.A. et al, 2005) Wind produced electricity, on the other hand, is becoming more competitive nowadays. Therefore, it can produce less expensive hydrogen. Electrolysis: The general principle in electrolysis is that water is supplied to an electrochemical cell, and hydrogen evolves at the anode while oxygen evolves at the cathode when the supplied energy is greater than the zero current cell potential. Alkaline electrolysis is commercially available technology. It takes place at a temperature around 800C and pressure of 1-30bar.( US department of energy, 2010) Fuel cells: Fuel cells are ele ctrochemical devices that convert chemical energy in fuel to electrical energy with high efficiency and low environmental impact. Because combustion is avoided, they produce power with minimum pollution. They contain electrodes anode and cathode separated by an electrolyte. Fuels such as hydrogen or hydrogen rich synthesis gas, are supplied to the anodes while the oxidant is fed to the cathodes. The most common oxidant is oxygen from air. Electrochemical reaction occurs in the electrolyte producing current while deriving external load.( Fuel cell Handbook, 2010) Materials and Methods Preparation of the Electrolyzer Module and Solar Powered Hydrogen Production 1. Insert the reversible fuel cell, terminals on top, into the slot on the base. Cut 2 x 4cm length pieces of rubber tube and insert a black pin into the end of one tube. Place the tube with the black pin into the top pin on the hydrogen side (with black terminal). Place the other tube firmly onto the top input nozzle on the ox ygen side. Figure 1 preparation of the electrolyzer module 2. Fill

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Mirrors in the art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mirrors in the art - Essay Example Mirrors were used in European art with the development of Christianity. The symbols of beauty, inner-knowledge, vanity, and fertility of the mirror are expressed. As they became more popular and more accessible, mirrors were used in self portraits and in paintings. It is an important point to make that might not be clear. As the church became the controlling facture in Europe, there started to be sub-cultures. It can be explained with music. All pieces of music were written for the church. "Folk songs" were written with the same music but with different words. As with music, the mirror was used to show two aspects: one aspect done for the church and a second aspect done for the people. The symbols and position of the mirror will be looked at in the 15 and 16th century then it will be compared to the 19th 20th century where the church no longer controlled culture across Europe. Van Eyck's, Marriage portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his wife . The mirror, showing 180Â ° vision of the room, shows the full window and how bright it is outside. There is a third person in the mirror. Some say it is a self portrait of Van Eyck. The frame has the scenes of Christ. This is a perfect illustration of church, fertility, light, enlightenment and the mixture of society with the Church. Diego Velazquez, the Spanish painter born in 1656, painted the scene The Maids of Honor. It shows a group of children and their servants, the child of Philip IV, the king of Spain, is watching Velazquez paint an oil canvas. The viewer has to look carefully to find the secret of the painting. On the back wall, he can see the reflexion in the mirror of a couple. He notices that there are the children looking forward and someone in the hallway who is looking in. The man and woman in the mirror are the parents of the princess, the King and Queen of Spain. Philip IV was in the last years of his life and did not want to be painted. There is speculation as if it is the royal couple being painted. Ve rmeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring shows purity. Her earring is a sign of what is going on in her world. The women in his paintings are educated, knowledgeable and enlightened. The light displayed by the earring is bright as a mirror. One can imagine seeing his own reflexion. Most of the young women in his paintings wear pearl earrings. This one has a mirror like quality. Though Degas shows his danseurs in mirrors, he has not left the impressionist school in his later painting, At the Milliner, (Lazzari & Schlesier 60). It must be noted that the woman is looking into a mirror that we cannot see. We know it is a mirror because her friend is looking away. It would have

Monday, September 23, 2019

Project planning and control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Project planning and control - Essay Example Planning and control is constituted by four main activities that include scheduling, loading, sequencing and monitoring, and control. Whereas scheduling is about the timing of operations, loading involves the quantity of work to be done according to available capacity. Sequencing, in turn, involves the order in which the work is to be done (Johnston, Chambers and Slack, 2007). Consequently, monitoring and control involves ensuring that all the other components are going according to plan. Organizations are frequently involved with processes, movement of materials, finished goods and services that need proper planning and control. It is, therefore, important to any firm that wants to effectively perform and compete in today’s highly sophisticated operational business environment (Kerzner, 2009). To successfully coordinate all functions in line with an organization’s goals and objectives, management is increasingly being faced with the need for proper planning and control . Managers, therefore, need to properly understand the basic components of proper planning and analysis of projects. ... All these day-to-day activities of a project coordinator therefore need proper planning and control techniques, and hence my interest in this area. As a project coordinator, I therefore feel most aligned to the selected topic. Effects / Benefits Having pointed out my work as a project coordinator as the main reason for identifying the topic, it is important also to point out the effects or benefits it has on my personal objectives in line with my career. First is the issue of scheduling as discussed in the overview of the selected topic. My work as a project coordinator usually involves a lot of allocations and timing for various events, processes and individuals involved. A critical and comprehensive overview of the component that forms an important element of my daily operations is therefore of great benefit to my work as a project coordinator because it further equips me with the technical as well as the theoretical knowhow on the subject. The success of any project relies on prop er planning, and no project coordinator can ignore planning (Carmichael, 2006). Planning, in turn, depends on appropriate scheduling and control measures that have been put in place to ensure that it succeeds. Another area of project coordination is that of preventing risks associated with failures or uncertainties that are associated with unrecognized future drawbacks in the course of planning. Proper control measures learnt in this topic such as demand forecasting and push or pull control mechanisms will go a long way in ensuring that my work is based on an enlightened point of view rather than working towards a failure. Moreover, managing the staff for a

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 7

Assignment Example The trends observed in 2010 was comparable to those observed in 1980s (Martin et al 1). These changes in fertility rates are caused by fertility rates among women of different ages, population groups and geographical regions. Trends of the fertility rates are affected by the changes of fertility rates within individual groups of the American population. Also, the rates change within some age groups and consequently affect the total fertility rate. For instance, there was an increase of the fertility rates among women in their twenties. A great decrease in the rate of birth among teenager women is notable, this decrease was negligible compared to the increase of fertility rates among older women. The trends of fertility rates are influenced by the lifestyles among women (Martin et al 17). Good medical care and diet lead to increased medical care while increased alcohol consumption and smoking of tobacco decrease fertility rate. This was ascertained in the trends of the trends recorded in 1999 and 2000. The increase in fertility rates was due to decreased alcohol consumption and smoking of tobacco among pregnant women. A fertility rate of about 2,100 births per 1,000 women is considered sufficient for a generation to replace itself. In 2006 and 2007, fertility rates were above this rate but it has been below this figure. Most of groups within the American population do not meet this rate while some of them meet. The AIAN, non-Hispanic white and non-Hispanic black fertility rates are mostly below replacement but those for Mexican and other Hispanic are mostly higher (Martin et al 38). The ratio of total live births to the population in totality in a specified community or an area over a specified time is referred to as birth rate. This ratio is mostly an expression of the number of given live births per 1,000 of the total population per year Total fertility rate

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Beware the Cat Essay Example for Free

Beware the Cat Essay In Beware the Cat, William Baldwins immediate target is Catholicism. This book is one of many anti-catholic satires that appeared during Edward VIs Protestant reign. In this story Baldwin goes beyond putting down the practices of the Church of Rome and exposes some of its foundational problems. He portrays, satirically, how knowledge is obtained and passed down in the church. At this time the culture was going through a transition from a largely oral and visual way of communicating to one based on text. The whole idea of Protestantism is about having a personal relationship with God and not relying on someone else to read the Bible for you. But what about those that didnt have access to a Bible? Again, people were left to rely on the church and the traditions that were being passed down. The trouble with traditions is that after so long, one cant be certain of their origin. We see a debate being set up in the story about where true authoritative knowledge comes from. From the Protestant view, the trouble with that is these traditions and stories can and do mislead the devout christian. In the beginning of the book in The Argument, Streamer disagrees with the author on what makes up knowledge; whether it is gained by experiences or authors (the reading of textual evidence). In Streamers Oration we see that he gets off track a number of times as he tries to begin his story. We find him wandering from gate to gate, talking about about how the gates got their names. It is evident that he doesnt quite know where or how to begin his story. The use of the word gate is exceptional because Streamer is truly searching for an entrance for his story line. Because he cant seem to find it, it foreshadows the fact that Streamers knowledge, as we come to find out, really has no origin of its own. Baldwin uses another play on words with the word Criplegate and cripple, foreshadowing again that Streamers kind of reasoning has crippled him. We read that Streamers experience with cats is based on other peoples stories about cats, and that their stories are based on yet another series of stories. Here Baldwin is demonstrating how Catholicism has passed down tories and oral traditions over time and we never really know the origin of these stories and traditions well enough to prove them. It also shows the reader that these kinds of stories simply lead to more stories and it ends up being uncontrolled and unmonitored. He then questions if having this experience based knowledge is truly having knowledge at all. Baldwin is building the story up in a rational way, for example, suggesting that the cats use human transportation and by suggesting that they revenge the death of Grimalkin, forming a close knit society, again alluding to the Catholic church. What we read about in Part I sort of comes to life in Part III as the animals take over the narration of the story. They begin to tell tales of their vast experiences with humans. They show us a world where humans are an easy mark (where the wife believes that the cat is old womans daughter) and preposterous (where the sound of Mouse-Slayers feet brings panic to a town). In Part I we read about preying animals and Part III is then dealing with preying humans. The old woman takes advantage of the young men, then they take advantage of others in order to keep paying the old woman, in order to spend time with the girls. This vicious cycle is representative of the Roman Church because she (the old woman), like the church, prospers from deceiving people and enticing them to do harmful acts in order to get her money. She is also making the young men psychologically dependent on her in a way, again, not unlike the church. In this work were able to see what happens in a religion and in a culture where written text plays a minor role and also when oral communication (traditions, passed down stories) is left uncontrolled by any textual authority.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Gravimetric Analysis of a Chloride Salt

Gravimetric Analysis of a Chloride Salt Rania Williams Nour Wehbe Purpose To discover the amount of chloride in a strange salt, in order to demonstrate regular methods used in gravimetric analysis Theory This equation describes the reaction between silver ion and chloride which results in the product silver chloride. Ag+ (aq) + Cl (aq) → AgCl (s) Silver nitrate is used to precipitate chloride because it gives the best results. AgCl Solubility in water: Silver chloride’s solubility is very low; however the salt is still soluble to some degree. If precipitate is not complete, the results will be very low. Ksp = 1.6 x 10-10 Precipitation occurs in acid to greatly reduce any interference from acid ions. These ions form co-precipitates with silver in acid containing no charged ions. Due to co-precipitates the results would be higher. Also in order for precipitation to occur in acid there needs to be some excess of silver ion at the end of the reaction to reduce the chances of silver chloride becoming more soluble. Co-precipitation would result in higher results. Description: The precipitate is heated in order to coagulate it. When it coagulates it will become a clumpy colloidal like form. In this form it will become more difficult for the precipitate to penetrate the filter paper. If the coagulate did go through, the results would be lower. If nitric acid had not been added to the precipitate it would become more vulnerable in penetrating the filter paper. If this had happened the experiment would have to be done again as there would be no way to determine the percentage of chloride in the salt. Photodecomposition: The equation for photodecomposition occurring in the air: AgCl (s) → Ag (s) + Â ½Cl2(g) When the silver chloride has dried and put into light it will decompose into chlorine and silver. If photodecomposition occurs in air, the results would be low, however if this decomposition occurred with excess silver ion in an aqueous solution there will be another reaction (3Cl2(g) + 9H2O (l) + 5Ag+ (aq) → 5AgCl (s) + ClO3(aq) + 6H3O+ (l)), which will make the results high. How much precipitate is lost by washing with 100ml fresh water? Ksp = [Ag][Cl] x x = x2 1.6 x 10-10 = 1.3 x 10-5 1.3 x 10-5= C/0.10 L C =1.3 x 10-5x 143 mol/0.10 L C = 0.01859 mol/L (0.01859)(0.10) = 0.001859 = 1.810-3 g The precipitate is lost due to the solubility of it. The solubility of the precipitate is very low so not much would be lost, however this still would make the results lower. Ions that may co-precipitate with chloride ion: When precipitation occurs quickly the chances of co-precipitation occurring greatly increases. Anions from some acids may co-precipitate with the chloride ion, forming co precipitates. These co precipitates will alter the results, making them CO32-, OH and NO3 Procedure The code number of the unknown salt that was placed on the station was recorded. This sample was kept for the full duration of the experiment. Using the analytical balance, 0.1175g of the sample was weighed out by difference and placed in a 250ml beaker. The beaker was labeled to avoid confusion between partners. The approximate volume of 0.1 M silver nitrate was calculated using the sample’s mass, 0.1175g. The mass of the sample was multiplied by the percentage concentration of the chloride then divided by 35.5. The result was then divided by 0.1. The result was converted into ml. 5 ml of excess was then added to the result, making the final result and approximate volume of silver nitrate added, 23ml. In the 250ml beaker with the sample, 100ml of distilled water and 1ml of 6M nitric acid was added to the beaker. 23ml of 0.1M silver nitrate was measured out in a 25ml graduated cylinder then slowly poured into the 250ml beaker. The solution was placed on a hot plate then gently stirred. The solution was stirred until it became close to boiling. In order to test for completeness the solution had a couple drops of silver nitrate poured into it to test that the entire chloride ion had been precipitated. The solution showed that it was complete. The 250ml beaker with the solution was then placed into the assigned drawer, to limit its light exposure. Using a piece of soft tissue paper the crucible which had already cooled was weighed, it had a mass of 30.6707. The vacuum filtration arrangement was set up. The solution without the precipitate was slowly poured into the filter. 5ml of 0.1M nitric acid was used for washing the precipitate. After a couple washings the precipitate was also placed into the filter. A wash bottle was used to help any remaining precipitate out of the beaker. The precipitate was again washed with 0.1M nitric acid. The crucible was then removed from the vacuum filtration arrangement. The leftover washings were disposed of. The crucible was washed once again in the vacuum filtration arrangement. The washing (mainly nitric acid) was taken to the T.A. for testing if the precipitation is complete by doing a washing with hydrogen chloride on the nitric acid. The first test showed completeness. The crucible was again latched onto the vacuum filtration arrangement to be washed with 3ml of acetone. The acetone was handed to the T.A. for disposal. The crucible was given to the T.A. to put in the oven for drying of the precipitate. The oven had a starting temperature of 110 Â °C and after 30 minutes had a temperature of 119 Â °C. The crucible was then cooled in the desiccator for 10 minutes then weighed with an analytical balance. The result was recorded. Observations Data tables Sample masses Crucible masses Approximate volume of the liquids and solutions used to was the sample Temperature of Oven Crucible drying and cooling times: Calculations Amount of AgNO3 required (calculated amount + 5mL) (0.1175)(0.55)/35.5/0.1 0.018204225 * 1000mL/1L = 18.204225 18.204225 + 5 = 23.20422525mL 23mL of AgNo3 needed Percentage chloride in sample Uncertainties Relative error Relative spread of the percentage of chloride found 62.06% 56.92% / 59.49% = 0.086401076 * 10 = 0.86401076 ppt = 0.8640 ppt Discussion My results were higher due to the photodecomposition of the precipitate that most likely occurred due to an excess of silver ion in the solution. This was a result of human error, as I waited for the precipitate to cool down I did not leave it out of light and failed to ensure that there was not an excess of silver ion in my solution. My results could also be higher due to any co-precipitates from anions such as these: CO32-, OH and NO3 . The results could have also become higher due to not being washed properly. When washing the precipitate only with 3ml of acetone and 5ml of water this may have been possible. When compared with the actual result, my result was higher. My partner’s results were lower than the real value due to some of her sample being lost during filtration. Sample being lost during filtration is almost unavoidable. Even though she may not have lost a lot of her sample, her initial salt mass was just 1.002g. Losing sample from a sample that was already so small contributed to her results being lower than the actual value. She also may have not allowed for complete precipitation of the chloride ion, resulting in lower results. During the heating of her solution her precipitate coagulated but there were stills some parts of the precipitate that were very tiny were susceptible of being loss the vacuum filtration. When compared with the actual result, my partner’s result was lower. The average of my partner and I’s results were very close to the actual result, though the average of our results was still higher than the actual result. Conclusion The sample number for the unknown salt is 343. The average percentage of the chloride from two trials is 59.49%, whilst the actual percentage of chloride is 58.81%. The uncertainty for the percentage of chloride for my results was 0.2041 and 0.2430 for my partner. The precision of my results was 5.526%, whilst my partner’s was 3.214%. The accuracy of the results was 0.8640 ppt. References Books: R.C.Burk, M.Azad, X.Sun, P.A. Wolff, Introductory Chemistry Laboratory Manual, Carleton University, Ottawa, 2014-15. Websites: Bishop, Mark. Bases. Bases. CHIRAL PUBLISHING COMPANY. 2013. Web.>.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Art of Sculpting :: Sculptures Greek Greece Essays

The Art of Sculpting Sculpting is the art of working with stone, bronze, and wood by chipping at it to form a beautiful piece of art. The art of sculpting was known thousands of years ago in the time of â€Å"THE OLD STONE AGE.† During this time the people thought that they would make the sculptures to praise their gods, kings, queens, and goddesses. The people also made sculptures of animals they believed that the animals would see this and protect them from other harmful animals. In the 7th century Assyrians became powerful and they to started inventing rich designs to decorate the walls of the palaces and temples. Then the Greek began there sculpting in the 6th century BC the sculptures of this time and place had there own way of art. They gave their pieces life by making the face of the person with a smile; they gave it arms and eyes rigid legs. The Greek wanted statues and stories of their gods to decorate the temples and other buildings. The Greeks were not interested in exact pictures. They made their figures godlike. When the Romans conquered the Greeks they themselves were conquered by Hellenistic art. With the downfall of Rome in AD 410 and the rise of Christianity sculpture declined. Early Christian carvings were only confined to decorations with hidden meaning. Roman art grew and it was called â€Å"Romanesque†. Sculptured scrolls and elongated figures enriched the doorways of churches, and the doors themselves were used as frames for sculptured pictures of the Bible stories. Sculpting grew more rapid into what was later called the â€Å" Gothic†, the Medieval. The sculptors became more skillful in carving human figures. Artists used animals and plant life for decorative details and ideas. In Italy the Gothic style underwent a change, called the â€Å"Renaissance† the rebirth of the classic. Sculptures reached great heights during the 15th century. The Renaissance spread throughout Western Europe and the art went with it. In the 17th century the Renaissance came to an end. The beautiful and unique sculptural style that followed it was called â€Å" baroque† meaning â€Å"false.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Rose Madder :: essays research papers

Rose Madder The setting of Rose Madder begins in a city called Portside but it does not say which state. Rose then rides a bus 800 miles to some large mid-western city. By some of the details in the story and the dialect, a good guess of the time era is any where from the 1980s to the late 1990s. The characters in Rose Madder are Rose McClendon Daniels a women who was married and abused by her husband for nearly 14 years and Norman Daniels a crazy cop who is in pursuit of his wife Rosie. Bill Steiner is the guy that Rosie buys the picture from and they also fall in love, Anna Stevenson is the owner of the Daughters and Sisters organization that helps women coming out of abusive relationships. Peter Slowik is Anna Stevenson’s ex-husband who tells Rosie to go to the Daughters and Sisters place and he is later killed by Norman. Rose Madder is the woman in the picture that Rosie bought, and Mr. Lefferts is a man who gives Rosie a job reading books for a â€Å"Books on Tape Company†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First, Rose Daniels is sitting at home reading a romance novel, when all of a sudden her husband, Norman, walks in and starts beating her. Rose was pregnant at the time and, as a consequence of Normans beating, she has a miscarriage. After that she goes to bed, but when she wakes up in the morning and there was a single drop of blood on her pillow. That one single drop made her realize how abusive her life would be if she did not leave Norman. So she planned how she was going to leave without Norman catching her. She took the credit card he had left on the counter and then she ran out the door. Eventually she came to the bus station. She traveled on a bus 800 miles away from her home.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When she arrived there was a traveler’s aid with a friendly looking man standing there. The man’s name was Peter Slowik and he worked to help women who have been abused in some way. She told him her story and he told her to go to the Daughters and Sisters house, which was a place for women who have just gotten out of an abusive relationship to say at for awhile. So she leaves and goes to the house and they let her in and she meets the owner, Anna Stevenson.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Value of the University Maintenance Staff :: Informative Essays

Beep, beep, beep, smack. You wish you could hit the snooze button on your alarm because it’s 5 o’clock on a Monday morning. Part of you wants to sleep a few more hours, but the other part tells you it’s time to go to work. You eat breakfast, kiss your family goodbye, and arrive at the University campus in time to start your shift at 7 a.m. After seeing the friendly faces of your co-workers and friends on staff, you think to yourself, â€Å"Maybe today won’t be so bad after all.† Your mood changes when you see the mess that has been accumulating in the bathrooms over the weekend. Once you’ve opened the door, you grimace as you are taken aback by a familiar stench which you’ve come to recognize as a combination of alcohol, vomit, urine, and smelly garbage. The trash bag looks nearly empty, as it appears that most of the trash never made it there. In the girls’ bathrooms, the feminine disposals are overflowing, and there is hair all over the floor and in the showers. In the boys’ bathrooms, the showerheads are missing, the drains are clogged, and you sigh as you dread looking into the bathroom stalls. Sure enough, one toilet is completely clogged, another one is plastered with vomit, most likely from someone’s poor decision to drink the night before, and the floor of the third stall is covered with wet toilet paper, a mess that you’re not surprised to find after looking in the first two stalls. What seems like hours later, once the bathrooms are spotless again, students begin to come in to use the showers and restrooms, unaware of the mess that was there a few hours earlier. The students have failed to realize the mess that was left, because they have taken for granted that the bathrooms will be clean when they use them. As the students shower, you return to the utility closet to grab the tools you need for your next chore. You are stunned when you read the obscene message a student left for you on your dry erase board. You feel like this is a slap in the face after you just spent your whole morning cleaning up their messes. Though this description is hypothetical, these events are based on stories told by JMU housekeeping employees.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Interpersonal Conflict in Movies (American Beauty) Essay

Interpersonal conflict is â€Å"a struggle that occurs when two people cannot agree on a way to meet their needs† (Beebe, Beebe & Redmond, 1999, p.248). Interpersonal conflict can be of love, spirituality, morals etc. In American Beauty (film), interpersonal conflicts are shown as reason to destroy household. Household that appears to be perfect and imaginary from outside, are moth-eaten from inside, owing its failure to interpersonal conflict within the family. Many characters versus character conflicts are shown like interpersonal conflict between Lester Burnham and her daughter Jane, between Angela and Jane, between Col Fitts and his son Ricky, unhappy marriages of Lester and Carolyn and that of Col Fitts and his silent wife, but the conflict between Lester Burnham and his wife Carolyn is of much importance as it was not handled properly.. Three types of conflict are shown in the Lester’s and Carolyn’s interpersonal conflict, namely pseudo conflict, simple con flict and ego conflict. Lester Burnham and his wife Carolyn are living in a pseudo environment where both hate the life in which they are living since the start of the movie. This conflict somehow seemed to last throughout the movie and was not handled properly regardless of the efforts made by the couple. The conflict between them was attributed to the egocentric attitude of Lester and Carolyn towards each other, seeds of lust and adultery, materialistic and pessimistic approach of Carolyn towards happiness and Lester’s lost of interest in the family. The couple should have encouraged healthy discussions in the family and should have avoided the show-off of fake life .As Scott suggests that conflict are more than just debates, or negotiations, in that they are an escalation of everyday competition and discussion into an arena of hostile or emotion provoking encounters that strain personal or interpersonal tranquility or both. During this conflict, they did not even realize how far it was taking them from their daughter Jane. Giving proper time to their daughter and family would have stopped the conflict from escalating. Seeds of adultery, cheating and lust took them away from each other. Carolyn viewed Lester as a loser. Carolyn view materialistic objects as success and Lester sees happiness as success. Lester’s normal life with a monotonous dead-end job and Carolyn’s hard luck in real estate because of pseudo-competition buddy â€Å"The King† Kane was depressing for the couple. The conflict within the couple multiplies day by day. Their physical distances added fuel to fire. Both are sexually frustrated and this was evident in routine fights even fight over song played during the dinner. However, intimate relation with each other would have protected Lester from his interest in Angela and that of Carolyn’s in Kane. Given that couple had focused on the inner beauty of life before than their focus on materialistic beauty (Lester finally realized), the interpersonal conflict would have resolved.

Legal and Professional Issues – Manager of an IT company

You are a manager with an IT company supplying information management systems to medical practices. A company marketing health-related products (complementary medicines, books on diets and ‘miracle' cures of various kinds) has approached you. They suggest that you jointly offer doctors incentives to accept a feature in your system that will print out advertisements for their products on documents for patients and target different categories of patients with mailings. Content Page Title Page Content Page Ethical Issues it raises for; * The individuals- doctors, IT manager 4 * The groups – marketing company, patients 4-5 Enquires which may be carried out in order to understand the problem better 5 Proposed ‘solution' for the problem 5-6 Bibliography 7 Appendices 8-11 Manager of an IT company Ethical Issues it raises for; IT Manager * Data Protection Act 1998- â€Å"sensitive personal data† within the act states that ‘his physical or mental health or condition'1 should not be disclosed. See Appendices. * Human rights act 1998 * The act of ‘Bribery', illegal in the UK. * Company should have made a legal binding to the medical practice to secure data leakage. * Ethics and Information Technology. See Bernhard Debatin in Appendices. * In relation to Mills theory- the consequences could lead to higher monitoring of privacy if the activity is disclosed. See Appendices. Doctors * Following the principle of Mills, again, the consequences could be increased monitoring of doctoring practice locally or through the UK. * Data protection act 1998 * Human rights act 1998 * Unspoken confidentiality agreement with patient (doctor/ patient relationship) * Medical ethical practices, as laid out by the General Medical Council * Breaking position of patient/ doctor authority * Misinforming patients/ disclosing information about a product he/she may know little about i.e. not knowing the side affects and misinforming patients claiming a ‘miracle cure'. * Accepting a personal ‘incentive' on behalf of patient confidentiality * Viewed as a high profile in society- should set a high ethical example * Potential- under Mills theory, of loosing the Doctor Status, respect and trust of the patients. Marketing Company * The British Code of Advertising Practice * Marketing ethical practices * Freedom of Information Act 2000 – could be viewed as ‘ethical' for such medical information to be disclosed in Europe. Patients * Unspoken confidentiality agreement with doctor (doctor/ patient relationship) * Date protection Act 1998 as before * Human Rights Act 1998 as before * Doctor- medical professional, patient- not a medical professional, thus the acceptance of something neither may no much about would potentially occur * Names/ Address/ disabilities and/or illnesses being disclosed; private and personal information which could be very sensitive to the individual. Enquires which may be carried out in order to understand the problem better It would be beneficial to do all the following in order to understand the situation better: * Contact the marketing company to gain a comprehensive understanding of the products; if not, the manufacturer. * Conduct research to find out if the product(s) have been used elsewhere, and if so, what the results were. * Contact the NHS; what are the regulations behind the marketing of products within medical practises. As the governing body, has research been previously carried out on these products? * Contact the General Medical Council who protect/ guide doctors and patients. With thorough knowledge of ethical guidance procedures for doctors and patients, they claim doctors should along with many other things; o â€Å"Respect and protect confidential information [about patients] o Respect patients' dignity and privacy o Avoid abusing your position as a doctor†2 * Speak to the doctors, ask them about the product and for them to speak to their peers in regard to the product- has others heard/used them. Proposed ‘solution' for the problem There are a couple of steps that can be carried out in order to minimise the ethical dilemmas that are concealed within this problem; 1. The IT Manager [myself] could give the doctors details obtained from the company marketing health-related products so that they have the choice as to whether they carry out the advertising- it would then be their responsibility to ensure date protection. 2. The idea of disclosing patient information in my view [acting as the manager] is totally unethical, and will not even be taken into consideration; even with an incentive- it would put my profession as well as the medical practice under legal scrutiny. 3. The NHS could be contacted to see if it would be possible for the marketing company to operate through them, ensuring that nothing illegal/unethical is taking place, and thus increasing the financial position of the NHS, again, leaving the IT company out of the equation

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Biology Coursework: Effect of Sugar Solution on Potato Chips Essay

Planning Before planning the experiment, I will research osmosis, so that I can make predictions. This will help me to discover how to make this investigation fair and safe. Planning ahead will help me find out the order in which to carry out the experiment. This should lead me to good results at the end of the experiment. Hypothesis Osmosis is the passage of water from a region of high water concentration through a semi-permeable membrane to a region of low water concentration. When a potato is placed in water, the cells will expand by gaining weight depending on the concentration levels of the solution. When the concentration of the water is lower, more water molecules are allowed to pass through the potato cell. This causes the potato to gain weight and expand. If the concentration levels of the solution are higher, the cells will lose water and cause the potato to lose weight and therefore shrink. Prediction I predict that when the lower the concentration of sugar solution in the water, the more the potato will expand by osmosis. When the concentration of water is identical to the concentration of the potato cell, there will be no increase or decrease in weight. This is because the amount going into the cell will be the same as the amount going out. As soon as the water concentration becomes higher, the cells will shrink because more water will be leaving the cell than entering it. In distilled water alone, I predict that the water in the potato will be more concentrated. Because of this, the water should transfer from the solution to the potato, and the potato will gain weight. In the 0.2 molar solutions, the substances will be very similar in concentration. There should be little change to the size and weight of the potato. When the potato is placed in 0.4 molar solutions, the substances will still be very similar but the concentration of the water solution should be slightly greater to that of the potato. This will cause the potato to shrink slightly. As the molar solutions get higher, the water will transfer more and more from the potato to the water solution, therefore decreasing its size and weight. The most extreme shrinking should occur when the potato is placed in 1.0 molar solution, as here the difference in the water concentration is at its largest. Safety I will be using a very sharp knife, which could injure someone if it is not handled properly. And I will also be careful that the solutions do not get into my body internally as I am not fully aware of the damage it could cause. Method I will cut chips from the same potato because different potatoes may act differently and affect the results. I will cut them 15mm long exactly with square ends 5mm wide and 2mm thick. I will use a chopping and knife for this. They all need to be exactly the same size to ensure that it is a fair test. I will weigh the chips to ensure that they are the same size and weight. This will also give us a measurement to compare them to afterwards. I will use three identical potato chips in each solution. This is because the experiment may not go to plan. If we have three chips, an average can be taken at the end of the experiment to obtain more accurate results. The three potatoes will be placed in 6 different solutions, 1.0 being the strongest and distilled water being the weakest. The solutions I will use are as follows: 0.0 (Distilled water) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 The boiling tubes will be placed in a rack with an equal amount of molar solution. This is because identical solutions are needed for it to be a fair test. The potatoes will be covered with the solutions, if not the water will not be able to pass in and out and the potatoes would dry out. The solutions will all need to be the same temperature and the chips will need to remain in the test tube for the same length of time. The length of time I have chosen to keep the potatoes in the solution is 5 minutes. This should be enough time for the osmosis to take affect. When the potatoes are removed from the solution, the osmosis stops. I will then dry the potatoes using a paper towel being careful so that none of the potatoes fall apart. I will place them into sets of three depending on when which solution they were placed in and weigh and measure them. To get the most accurate results, I will take the average reading of the three pieces. I will then analyse my results and see if they match my prediction.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Outline for an Informal Report Essay

This report is designed to study and critically analyze the economic and management problems being currently encountered by the Roanoke Branch of Phoenix Advertising particularly in their employee management approach and the relationship between the management and the subordinate employees. Classification / Division I. Background information about the agency is as follows: The agency being targeted by this report is the Roanoke Branch of Phoenix Advertising located in Charlotte, NC that serves banks, insurance companies and retail chains advertising needs, currently headed by Gregory S. Forest as the company president and locally handled by Frankie Evans as the Vice-President for Human Resource Management, which is presently besieged by turmoil in their employee management. II. Information regarding the report investigation. Determining and critical analyzing the condition of the targeted work branch requires personal investigation approaches. Thus, this researcher has interviewed several employees of the said work branch to determine their opinion and views regarding the work condition and environment in the targeted structure. In addition, this researcher has also reviewed and analyzed several work documents and manuals pertaining to employee management approach of the company.    III. Results of the investigations. Thus, the said investigation has determined that the Roanoke Branch of Phoenix Advertising is currently experiencing several employee management and employee relations problems, which are significantly affecting the production and quality of service of the said office. Among its problems is the significant decrease in the morale of the employee particularly in their dedication for their work, quality of work environment and the dissatisfaction with the services and performance of their superiors. This in turn has caused higher stress level for the employees thus, further aggravating their discontentment with their work conditions. In addition, this problem has also affected the production rate of the said branch as the rate of absenteeism and turnovers have increased to a detrimental level. Other contributory factor to the discontented wok nature of the employees are the lack of communication between the body of employee and the management, increased in the work load for each employee, and the   increasing unpaid overtime dues to the employees. IV. Recommendations To address the investigated employee management and relation in the employee’s body of the Roanoke Branch of the Phoenix Advertising, this researcher recommends the following approaches. A. Revising the hiring and recruitment procedures particularly drawing out a clearer and more comprehensive work contract that elaborates the rights and privileges of the employees to encourage more applicants thus enabling the administration to expand the workforce pool in the Roanoke Branch. B. Establish experimental work system to determine the most convenient for the employees and the most effective for the company’s production cycle. Included in this concept are the aspects of employee scheduling employing a fixed but semi-rotational work schedule for each employee and shortening the work period through extending or establishing employee vacations and day offs. C. Reducing the workload of the employees through hiring in part-time personnel especially during work peak seasons to accommodate the increasing workload and increase the work capacity of the Roanoke branch. D. Formulating grievance and dispute procedures to expand the communication aspect between the management and employees wherein employees’ views and opinions can be expressed and will be duly addressed and incorporated in the development plans of the Roanoke branch. With this implemented, the work environment and condition of the employees can be improved in accordance to their preferences thus promoting in turn their dedication and willingness to do their job tasks and their personal safety while in working condition. E. Establishing a management development training program where the leadership and interpersonal skills of the branch’s leaders and managers can be develop thus enabling them to better relate and understand their subordinate employees. F. Establishing employee incentives approach as the management’s tool for motivation for their employees and their rewards for the hard work and services done by their employees. These incentives can manifest through different forms such as awards like employee of the month, compensation time, extra bonuses, and profit share, which are all constituted in monetary and honorable recognition forms.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Case Study Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Case Study Analysis - Essay Example The environment may range from tangible to intangible factors, humans to objects. However, for Tim’s case the influences are situational given the problems he sought to solve arose from non ideal situations. The situation in this case is low morale. Morale is a psychological attitude characterized by enthusiasm and energy to work. Workers in the club clearly have low morale. The second problem is the lack of adequate motivation from the employee’s environment namely the management and fellow employees. This is an analysis of the psychological ties motivation and morale has by examining the workplace discrepancies (Nelson, 2010). The first discrepancy in the organization is the conflict between the management and employees. The case study on â€Å"money is not always the best reward† points out that the first problem Tim encounters is that of employees on stress leave due to conflict with management. Barling (2005) holds that conflict may result in psychological s trains such as stress. Three employees out of seventy five on stress leave is an indication that the problem is spinning out of control. This also reflects that the organization lacks appropriate conflict resolution strategies. This discovery also implies the lack of confidence the employees have in the management. Tim further discovers that additional four employees had work related accidents. Further research further shows that psychological strain may increase accidents at the workplace (Barling, 2005). Logic dictates that the club should investigate the cause of these accidents, but instead they set up a compensation policy and left it at that. A second problem at the club is that employees receiving directives from many authorities such as the board of directors overstepping their boundaries and giving direct instructions to employees. The result of this is that the employees experience conflict of interest which may lead to psychological strain. This conflict of interest goes as far as interdepartmental conflicts in between the club employees. Seeing as the employees roles were not well defined, they were not sure which functions to perform and how to perform them. In summary, the company did not a have proper job description and specification outline. The company also lacks Human Resource guidelines and Operational policies to guide the running of the institution (Nelson, 2010). Tim’s solutions: Tim’s critical decisions utilize a few psychological perspectives. Establishing that the main problem the employees have is low morale and lack of motivation as the start. Tim then set out to solve this problem. The findings of Elton Mayo concur with Tim’s reluctance to prioritize monetary reward to in solving his problems. The Hawthorne studies reveal that human needs in all spheres of life are complex; therefore, they require more than material rewards. Essentially a sociological approach, the human relations approach, however, has some es sential psychological characteristics that reflect on the situation at the club. The first, vital aspect Mayo reflects on is that individuals like feeling a sense of autonomy at the wok place. As such, they prefer that the management consult them on issues that involve their work situation. Modern work perspectives view employees in an organization as key partners, a source of sustained competitive advantage

Thursday, September 12, 2019

My First Day In College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

My First Day In College - Essay Example The essay "My First Day In College" talks about the experience we can get from our first day in college. The author by his example tells what good experience the college gives a person to be successful in his life. I gladly anticipated the day because of the social title that I would gain for joining the university because most of my peers derived little pleasure from academic achievements and rarely qualified for and attained university education. I would be one of the few youths in the locality to join the university, the highest recognized academic institution. My feelings were however mixed with the anxiety of freedom from parental control and separation from my friends, people that had become very close to my life and with whom I had shared my weakness for social support. My younger sister, then in elementary school, particularly noted my unstable state and teased me for behaving like a little child. It was finally my reporting day and I had to take the step into my new life. I had packed all my belongings the previous night and was ready to bid my family goodbye. Leaving home was, however, a painful experience and I broke into tears, of pain and isolation, for fear of never seeing my family again. Even my mother’s consolation that they would occasionally visit me or that I was free to visit them over the weekends would not ease my overwhelming pain. She then drove me to college, in her favorite car, and I could feel the transition in my life as we passed the city center into the college’s main campus.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Report assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Report assignment - Essay Example gage in their respected activities regarding their mutual aid as well as protection which includes communicating and coordinating with each other on a regular basis for the basis of their employment and any potential dispute regarding their employment. However, I have come across a few instances which have raised a matter of concern for me as an employer. Though we as higher management are allowed to prohibit social media for employees during working hours, employees cannot be deterred from using during their break time. Strategies like placing a firewall access for social media sites or any other websites which can harm employee productivity can be used to improve the working measures. Such strategies will certainly not prove to be an illicit or illegal provision lawful and will certainly not be proved that an employer has conducted unfair labor practice over its policy and in this case, such labor policies should not be very broad and should not be administered in a manner which restricts or violate employee rights. Before we take any step or implement any policy, we have to be absolutely sure to consult it with our counsel and regulators and have to assess and analyze the use of such strategies. It is a fact that employees feel vulnerable if they perceive that their rights have been restricted by their employers or they are prohibited from certain activities without any elaboration or reason. Due to this reason, we have to implement certain policies and procedures which can implicate privacy issues but also helps us to mitigate any potential threats or risk which looms large over our organization. Such strategy will also help our organization to confirm that we have been able to make organizational media policies in a manner which are unbiased and are also irrational. Rules and policies which are ambiguous or irrelevant should be avoided and must not contain any words or sentences which indicate any sign that the rights of employees have been restricted or

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Solar enrgy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Solar enrgy - Research Paper Example This paper looks at the alternative sources of energy in general, and focuses on the Solar Energy as one of the most effective, affordable, and cheap alternative source of energy. The paper also looks at the use and development of solar energy in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), especially, by the company called MASDAR, based in the UAE. As we have just seen, alternative source of energy is any energy source that does not use fossil fuel in generating energy (Alternative Energy, Web). There are a number of advantages of using alternative source of energy in comparison to using the fossil fuel source of energy. One of the advantages of using the alternative source of energy is that the alternative source of energy reduces the usage of fossil fuel source of energy and therefore preserves and prevents the fossil fuels from being depleted. With the emergence of many and powerful industries in the modern world, coupled with the increase of the number and usage of vehicles, aeroplanes, and ships, which all depend on fossil based fuels, the fossil fuel source of energy is indeed at the danger of being depleted. ... many alternative sources of energy do not release toxic chemicals to our environment. Fossil based sources of energy are well known for releasing greenhouse gases, Carbon Dioxide gas, in the environment, thus leading to the global warming (Alternative Energy, Web). Global warming threatens to make our world inhabitable and so there is an urgent need to develop alternative sources of energy that do not cause any threat to our very own existence. Many alternative sources of energy therefore help us to get the energy that we need in our various activities without causing any harm to our environment. The third major advantage of using alternative source of energy is that, the alternative source of energy is quite cheap and affordable in comparison to the fossil fuel based sources of energy (Alternative Energy, Web). The cost of the fossil based fuels is increasing each year in many countries around the world that do not produce the fossil fuels. Different governments are using a lot of m oney on fossil fuels as source of energy. Also, many poor people are not able to afford the fossil fuels because of the astronomical costs associated with them. On the other hand, alternative sources of energy like the solar energy and the biogas are quite cheap and affordable to almost everybody. The alternative sources of energy, therefore, are quite cheap and affordable; alternative sources of energy ensure that almost everybody has access to power. The alternative sources of energy therefore spurs economic growth of a country through making cheap power available to all people, including the poor people. Having looked at the main advantages of alternative sources of energy, let us now look at some of the common alternative sources of

Monday, September 9, 2019

Elder Abuse In Patients With Dementia By Cares Dissertation

Elder Abuse In Patients With Dementia By Cares - Dissertation Example An assessment carried out for Ireland’s National Dementia Strategy (Cooper, Manela, Katona, & Livingston, 2008) offers evidence on the dominance of dementia and on the provision of dementia care in Ireland. Results point out that there are 41,740 individuals with dementia in Ireland, most of whom are over 65 years of age. A substantial percentage of these older people, 23,058, live in the community where care is available, in the main, by household caregivers, largely by women, within an embryonic and fragmented community support services frame (Pillemer & Suitor, 1992). Family caregivers of elder people with dementia may be uninformed of activities that are offensive (Beech et al. 2005). Additionally, such activities may have negative or positive effects on the older person. For instance, in a study titled Caring for Relatives with Dementia (CARD), over half of caregivers self-reported committing physical or psychological mistreatment of their care-recipient and one third met the benchmarks of substance abuse. Elder abuse has received substantial consideration in public addresses, policy reports and study as the issue has progressively been debated and studied and efforts have been made to address it (Naughton, Drennan, Treacy, Lafferty, Lyons, Phelan, O’Loughlin & Delaney, 2010). At the same time, new angles have exceeded the outdated, medical perception of dementia, permitting new considerations from other disciplines to arise, which draw attention to the economic and social inferences of the disorder (Alzheimer’s Association, 2012). In this context, a connection between dementia and a higher threat of elder abuse has been proven.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Debate on the Compromise of 1850 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Debate on the Compromise of 1850 - Essay Example Championed by Henry Clay it set off fiery and intense debates. Daniel Webster, of Massachusetts, and the Senator from South Carolina, John C. Calhoun, entered into a debate on the Senate floor during March of 1850. Though each man was against slavery on moral grounds, they were on opposite sides of the debate. At the heart of the debate, the saving of the Union, they were in agreement. Yet, the methods they advocated to reach that end were in opposition. Protecting the Union from dissolving was the central issue and the reason for the compromise. Both men met in favor on this and both men could see the looming threat of secession of the Southern States. Webster sees the impending violence and warns against flirting with the possibility when he states, "There can be no such thing as a peaceable secession. Peaceable secession is an utter impossibility". Calhoun, while in agreement, took a more pragmatic approach and said, "It is only through a long process, and successively, that the cords can be snapped until the whole fabric falls asunder." Calhoun, from the South, was guarding against further agitation of the North and also guarding against alienating his Southern constituency. Calhoun's speech is highlighted by what he sees as the unfair treatment of the South by the North. With slavery prohibited in the unorganized territories and the provisions of popular sovereignty, he decries the dwindling political representation that the South has in Washington. He further puts forth the notion that the South generates a preponderance of the revenue that goes into the pockets of Northern industrialists. His speech is centered around the theme that the South must be satisfied in order to remain a useful section of the Union, and it was the responsibility of the North to rectify past wrongs and promote a more equitable system. Webster, on the other hand, does not recognize the imbalance in justice between the North and the South. Webster believes that the tensions arise from the North's unwillingness to accept the slavery in the South. He dismisses Calhoun's insistence that the South is being mistreated by saying, "These are disputed topics, and I have no inclination to enter into them". Webster saw slavery, and the South's ownership of the issue, as the central issue. But beyond the simple notion of slavery, both men agreed that the tensions were being promoted by abolitionists geared toward arousing anti-slavery feelings in the south. Webster was politically bound to show some public support for the Whig slave owners that he was courting for national support, while Calhoun needed anti-abolitionist support at home. Though the main issue of the Compromise of 1850 was the problem of the Texas territory and it's claim on New Mexico, neither man chose to highlight it in their speech. Another critical issue, the Fugitive Slave Act, was detailed by Webster but Calhoun chose to ignore the issue. Webster blamed the North for a lack of will in enforcing the laws that they were sworn to uphold. Webster's notion was to give the South their slavery, enforce their traditions, and they would go away quietly and exist in harmony with the North. Calhoun saw the turning point from a different perspective and believed that no compromise was possible as long as the North did not politically recognize the contributions of the

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Policies and Procedures to Manage the Release of PHI Research Paper

Policies and Procedures to Manage the Release of PHI - Research Paper Example Mobile phone and other related technology, retrieve personal health information for patients. Rapid exchange of vital medical information helps to quality delivery of medical aid to individuals (Kelly, Vottero & Christie-McAuliffe, 2014). On the contrary, there is a risk of unwanted access to privacy of medical information. It is important that health institutions have policies procedure to guide the process of revealing the medical information of individuals. Agency should implement an information management system to assist in managing health records. There would be effective quality control of health information. Proper health information management harmonizes the differences in law governing the release of medical information. Management of health information is one of the ways to regulate the release of medical information for patients (Kelly, Vottero & Christie-McAuliffe, 2014). The release of health information is an important topic because it dictates the quality of medical delivery. The state laws conflict and there are some states that have different rules governing the release of medical information. There is no uniformity in the state laws governing the protection of a patients medical information. There is varying degree of seriousness in handling the release of medical information for patients. Some states require patient permission to publish his or her personal information. On the contrary, some states do not have significant restrictions in releasing medical information to individuals. It is important to have install management systems that will ensure that there is protection of health information of patients. Installation of better management systems provides tracking of patients information. It is an important component in the implementation of a health care policy. The management should manage patients information in the hospital, and teams

Friday, September 6, 2019

Evaluation of Gender Inequality Essay Example for Free

Evaluation of Gender Inequality Essay Charlotte Brontà « wrote in Jane Eyre, â€Å"I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.† No visible net ensnares womankind. However, long have women been viewed and treated as unequal to their male counterparts. This inequality is alive everywhere. As displayed in Of Mice and Men, gender inequality is alive even in fiction. Gender equality has been an ongoing struggle in fiction and reality, our country and foreign countries, and in the past and the present. Gender inequality effects the people of the entire world. For example, there are major issues involving gender in Egypt. In Egypt, there are the sparks of movements trying to introduce women into government without challenging the reigning Brotherhood. Another place that struggles with gender inequality is the U.S. where women representation in government is very low. Only 17 out of 100 senate seats are held by women. Even in the U.S., one of the most highly regarded nations in the world, women are not entirely equal. Gender inequality has effected people all through time. In example, it wasn’t until the 1920’s that women could vote in the U.S. Women have long been considered less than their male counterparts. Only recently have women put a dent in the extreme patriarchy that has existed all through history. Today, women still are of unequal representation, pay, and rights across the globe. For example, in the U.S. today, there is an average pay gap of 77% (as of 2009). This means women earn 77 cents to a man’s dollar as pay for the same positions. This is one example of how inequality lingers in modern day first world countries. Gender inequality is also existent in both reality and fiction. We have already given many examples of real cases and statistics including representation and wage gaps. However, there is also gender inequality in the fictional world. For example, in Of Mice and Men, Curly’s wife is a prime example of gender struggles. She is constantly being marginalized. Sheis viewed as a thing that would get Lennie in trouble instead of an actual person. Even her name is never spoken. She is referred to as â€Å"Curly’s wife† which reaffirms Curly’s ownership over her and her status as a possession or an object instead of a human being. When her dead body is found, the first and only comment made of her death was along the lines of, â€Å"Poor boy.† Curly’s wife’s death was seen as nothing but something unfortunate for Lennie. This contributes to the pile of evidence that can conclude that Curly’s wife was considered a mere object. Through time, in foreign countries, and even in between pages, gender inequality has been a constant struggle. Charlotte Bronte wrote that she, a woman, is no bird. A woman, after having a net thrown on her and her fellows time and time again, must decide to declare that they are not a bird, but a human being. Human beings aren’t to be ensnared. It is said that the first step of fixing a problem is the recognition that it exists. So, women must understand that the net encompassing them is not a blanket, but a prison. Together, womankind must stand and declare, â€Å"We are not birds.† Hopefully, these examples of gender inequality is bringing more attention to the â€Å"net.† Hopefully, the realization will dawn that gender inequality is thriving among us and will not die out on its own. It has existed everywhere, always. A mighty effort is to be made to begin the reversal of this inequality and injustice.